Samantha & I thought of getting a bouquet for her. We started searching for florist 2 weeks to prior her birthday. Then, Sam came across Floral Magic & this gorgeous bouquet was picked.
Sam went slightly flower-crayness after viewing the website. We'll KIV for your birthday next year ok! I also changed my mind of those conventional 99-red roses to Floral Magic. Cos their flowers are really too pretty.
A crafted, rusty mix enveloped with white gerbera daisies.
A crafted, rusty mix enveloped with white gerbera daisies.
Back to her celebration, we had steamboat dinner at Coca last weekend.
Our practice - over-order
Sam love the flower crabs from Coca.
The 5 of us were seated at a 4-pax table with limited space to place our foods though. A sms confirmation was sent to me, however the booking details was wronged! The person made the booking on the day I called. Partly, i overlook the content of the msg. :(
We settled down at Starbucks for cake-cutting session. Thanks Sam for sourcing this cake from Goobycakes. Kit-Kat & M&M's, red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Sugar overloaded!
We sang a loud birthday song for her. But no one around the cafe seems to sing-along with us leh. :/
Happy 24th birthday to you!
When we get older, our photos are getting lesser too. In case of deteriorating memory, we really need to take more pictures.
When she just turned 24th, it reminds us of 25th next year.
Cyn thought of a Xscape game apart from ktv session. We chosen Tomb Raider which thrill & difficulty level were 5-stars rating. The game duration was 1 hour but we were late for 15 mins. :/ So much time was spent on the 3rd zone & then game over. On a down side, the staffs need to speed up when we called for assistance. Despite being advised to wave towards the cctv but they took some time to come in. So hard to catch their attention on cctv meh...
Still, we had a fun time in there solving mysteries. Satisfied dinner, great night w awesome company!
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